Det var ikke lett for oss å finne en vinner blant alle bidragene som kom inn.
Thanks a lot for everyone who participated in our blog hop and Challenge number 100.
It was not easy for us to pick a winner amongst all the entries we got.
Denne gang er det 5 ulike
bidrag som skal få premier av oss i design teamet.
This time there are 5 prizes to give away by each of the Girls in the design team.
Her er de heldige vinnerne.
Karina gir vinneren denne premien/Karina is giving away this prize:
Hun har laget dette flotte kortet/She has made a beautiful card:
Ane gir vinneren denne premien/Ane is giving away this prize:
Vinneren er/The winner is:
Hun har laget dette flotte kortet/With this great card
Vinneren er/The winner is
Hun har laget dette flotte kortet./With this beautiful card.

Elisabeth gir vinneren denne premien/Elisabeth is giving away this prize:
Vinneren er/The winner is
Hun har laget dette flotte bidraget/She has made this great card
Jeanette gir vinneren denne premien/Jeanette gives away this prize:
Vinneren er/The winner is
Alhana Nr 46
Hun har laget denne flotte LO/She has made this beautiful layout
Alhana Nr 46
Hun har laget denne flotte LO/She has made this beautiful layout
Vi gratulerer alle
Ta gjerne med dere knappen som ligger i sidebaren på bloggen
We congratulate all the winners!!Please use the button that you find in the side bare in the blog.
Send oss en mail inne en uke, og si hvem av
oss i DT dere skal få premie av:
Send us an email within a week, and tell us which one of us in DT that you are getting the prize from.
Dere har enda noen dager igjen å bli med
You still has some days to enter the Challenge number 101 which is ribbon and lace.